Mr. B. M.

Mr. B. M.

Once upon a time, there was a man who did not care about anything in his daily life. His name was Mr. B.M. He was well known by the nickname, "Mr. Boring Man", in the community. His daily life went something like this:

In the morning, his boss asked Mr. B.M., "What do you actually want to do for this company?" Mr. B.M. answered, "I just want to do what is required of me according to my job description." His boss sighed, "What a boring man you are!"

At noon, his team went out for lunch. A female coworker asked Mr. B.M., "What kind of restaurant do you want to go to?" Mr. B.M. said, "I don't have any preferences for food. So, whatever you choose will be fine with me." The coworker sighed, "What a boring man you are!"

After five o'clock, Mr. B.M. went home. His wife asked, "What's new today?" Mr. B.M. answered, "Nothing much." His wife continued, "By the way, I heard that a new iPhone will be released tomorrow. Shall we buy new ones?" However, Mr. B. M. said, "Our current phones are not broken. We don't need smartphones." His wife said, "I am interested in using Instagram and Facebook." Mr. B. M. answered, "Use my PC. That's enough for SNS services." She sighed and said, "What a boring man you are!"

After supper, their daughter said to Mr. B. M., "Why have we never gone to Disneyland?" He answered, "We went to the city aquarium last year. Also, we are going to the city zoo next year." The daughter sighed, "What a boring man you are!"

Before going to bed, Mr. B. M. offered a short prayer to God, "Thanks, God! Nothing special happened to us today. We are safe and secure." Then he heard a voice from heaven. It was the voice of God, "What a boring man you are!"

ミスター・ B. M.

ある時、日常生活に於いて、何事にも、全く気を留めない男が居た。彼の名は、「ミスター・B.M.」であったが、地域では、「ミスター・ボーリング・マン」(訳注:Mr. Boring Man、 「つまらない男」の意味)のあだ名で知られていた。彼の日々の生活は、こんな風であった。



アフターファイブ、B.M.氏は帰宅した。妻が尋ねた。「何か変わった事、有りましたか?」B.M.氏は答えた。「とくに。」妻は続けた。「ところでさ、明日、新しいアイフォーンが出るんだって。私達も買わない?」ところが、B.M.氏は、こう言った。「今の携帯、まだ壊れてないし、スマホなんか要らないよ。」妻が言った。「インスタとか、フェイスブックにも興味あるのよ。」B.M.氏は答えた。「私のPC使ったら? SNSならそれで十分。」彼女がため息をついて言った。「つまらないひとね!」



Mr. B. M.
ミスター・ B. M.

Once upon a time, there was a man who did not care about anything in his daily life. His name was Mr. B.M. He was well known by the nickname, "Mr. Boring Man", in the community. His daily life went something like this:
ある時、日常生活に於いて、何事にも、全く気を留めない男が居た。彼の名は、「ミスター・B.M.」であったが、地域では、「ミスター・ボーリング・マン」(訳注:Mr. Boring Man、 「つまらない男」の意味)のあだ名で知られていた。彼の日々の生活は、こんな風であった。

ある時 (あるとき) : Once upon a time
日常 (にちじょう) : usually, ordinary, daily
生活 (せいかつ) : your daily life
日常生活 : your daily life
於いて (おいて) : at there, in a situation, during a period of time, at a time, in a condition
日常生活に於いて : in your daily life
何事 (なにごと) : what, something
何事にも : anything
気 (き) : your mind, the feeling, the air, the atmosphere, your spirit, your heart
止める / 留める (とめる) : to stop something (verb)
気を留める (きをとめる) / 気に留める (きにとめる) : to pay attention to someone or something (verb), to mind (verb)
気を留めない / 気に留めない : You pay no attention to something or someone, You don't mind about something, You don't care about something.
全く (まったく) : at all, totally, perfectly (adverb)
全く気を留めない : You don't care about it at all, You really don't care about it.
何事にも、気を留めない : You don't care about anything.
男 (おとこ) : a man, the man
居る (いる) : There is a person, There are people.
居た (いた) : There was a person, There were people.
何事にも、気を留めない男が居る。: There is a man who doesn't care about anything.
何事にも、気を留めない男が居た。: There was a man who didn't care about anything.
*We don't say "何事にも、気を留めなかった男が居た。". We don't have a rule that you use past tense for both main and sub clauses.)

彼 (かれ) : he / his / him
名 (な) / 名前 (なまえ) : the name ("名" is poetic expression.)
彼の名 : his name (poetic expression)
ミスター・B.M. (みすたーびーえむ) : Mr. B.M. (There is no strict rule for writing English name in Katakana. )
彼の名は、「ミスター・B.M.」である。 : His name is Mr. B.M.
彼の名は、「ミスター・B.M.」であった。 : His name was Mr. B.M.
彼の名は、「ミスター・B.M.」であるが、...... : His name is Mr. B.M. and/then/but ...... (depends on the context)
彼の名は、「ミスター・B.M.」であったが、...... : His name was Mr. B.M. and/then/but ...... (depends on the context)
地域 (ちいき) : an area, the community
「ミスター・ボーリング・マン」: "Mr. Boring Man" (We use '・' between two Katakana words.)
原注 (げんちゅう) : an annotation or a comment given by the author
訳注 (やくちゅう) : an annotation or a comment given by the translator (I usually write a story in English first, then translate it into Japanese.)
(There are many books which were translated from another language into Japanese in Japan market. Then Japanese translators add some information as "訳注" as needed. )
つまらない : boring, disappointing (adjective)
意味 (いみ) : the meaning
「つまらない男」の意味 : the meaning which is "a boring man" (noun clause)
(訳注:Mr. Boring Man、 「つまらない男」の意味) : This part is the annotation given by the translator who translated this story from English into Japanese.)
あだ名 (あだな) : a nickname
知る (しる) : to get to know (verb)
知られている。 : Something or someone is well known.
知られていた。 : Something or someone was well known.
あだ名で知られている。: You are well know by the nickname.
あだ名で知られていた。: You were well know by the nickname.

日々 (ひび) : daily
日々の生活 : your daily life
彼の生活 : his life
風 (かぜ) : a wind
こんな風 (こんなふう) : like this, in this way, in this fashion, in this style
こんな風である。: It is like this, It goes something like this.
こんな風であった。: It was like this, It went something like this.

In the morning, his boss asked Mr. B.M., "What do you actually want to do for this company?" Mr. B.M. answered, "I just want to do what is required of me according to my job description." His boss sighed, "What a boring man you are!"

日 (ひ) : a day, the day, the date
その日 (そのひ) : the day
朝 (あさ) : morning
その日の朝、.... : In the morning, .....

彼 (かれ) : he / his / him
上司 (じょうし) : your boss
彼の上司 : his boss

本田氏 (ほんだし) : Mr. Honda
安倍氏 (あべし) : Mr. Abe
B.M.氏 (びーえむし) : Mr. B.M.

尋ねる (たずねる) : to ask someone a question (verb)
尋ねた : You asked someone a question.
上司が尋ねた。: Your boss asked you a question.
B.M.氏に尋ねた。 : You asked Mr. B.M. a question

実際 (じっさい) : the fact, the actual situation (noun)
実際のところ : actually

君 (きみ) : you/your (This expression could be rude if you use it at your boss, a senior, or anyone who has higher position than you. Your boss may use this expression at you.)

会社 (かいしゃ) : a company
この会社 : this company

何? (なに) : What?
やりたい : You want to do something. (casual expression)
やりたいの? : Do you want to do it?  (casual expression)
何がやりたいの?: What do you want to do? (casual expression)

答える (こたえる) : to answer someone's question (verb)
答えた。: You answered.

私 (わたし) : I / my / me
職務 (しょくむ) : your duty, your job description (noun)

要求 (ようきゅう) : a request (noun)
要求する : to request (verb)
要求される : to be requested by someone
要求されている : You are requested something by someone. Something is required.

事 (こと) : a thing, an issue, the fact, an event, a situation which you have just mentioned ("事" is used to make a noun clause.)

要求されている事 : something you are requested by someone, something which is required, a requirement (noun clause, "事" was used as a part of this noun clause.)

する : to do something (verb)
要求されている事をする : to do what is required, to do what you have been requested by someone (verb)

するだけ : You just do something.
するだけです。: I/You/We just do it.
するだけですよ。: I/You/We just do it. (casual expression)

ため息 (ためいき) : a sigh (noun)
ため息をつく : to sigh (verb)

上司は、ため息をついた。/ 上司が、ため息をついた。: Your boss sighed. (Use of 'は', 'に', 'を', 'が', 'へ', etc. are not so logical comparing to English prepositions. You should not learn Japanese through any grammar charts or formulas.)

上司がため息をついて、..... : You boss sighed and/then/so .......

言う (いう) : to say (verb)
言った (いった) : You said.
上司が言った。: Your boss said.

なんて.....!: What .....!
つまらない! : Boring!
男 (おとこ) : a man, the man
なの? : Is it?, Are you?, etc.
なんてつまらない男なの?: What a boring man!
君は。: You are .....
なんてつまらない男なの?君は。: What a boring man you are!

At noon, his team went out for lunch. A female coworker asked Mr. B.M., "What kind of restaurant do you want to go to?" Mr. B.M. said, "I don't have any preferences for food. So, whatever you choose will be fine with me." The coworker sighed, "What a boring man you are!"

昼 (ひる) : the noon
お昼 : the noon, lunch time, lunch (casual expression)
お昼になる : The lunch time comes, It's going to be noon.
お昼になると : at noon, as the lunch time came
彼 (かれ) : he / his / him
彼のチーム : his team
朝食 (ちょうしょく) : a breakfast
昼食 (ちゅうしょく) : a lunch
夕食 (ゆうしょく) : a supper
夜食 (やしょく) : a midnight snack
出かける (でかける) : to go out for something such as a walk, meal, trip, visiting someone, etc.
昼食に出かける : to go out for lunch (verb)
チームは出かけた。: The team went out for something.

女性 (じょせい) : a female person (noun), female (adjective)
女性の : female (adjective)
同僚 (どうりょう) : your coworker (noun)
女性の同僚 : a female coworker
B.M.氏 (びー・えむ・し) : Mr. B.M.
尋ねる : to ask someone a question (verb)
尋ねた。: You asked.
B.M.氏に尋ねた。: You asked Mr. B.M.
同僚が、尋ねた。: Your coworker asked you.

どんな?: What kind? What type? How?
どんなレストラン? : What kind of restaurant?
する?: Do you? Would you like? Will you choose? (depends on the context)
どんなレストランにする?: What kind of restaurant would you like to go?

言う (いう) : to say, to tell (verb)
言った (いった) : You said, You told.
食べる (たべる) : to eat (verb)
飲む (のむ) : to drink (verb)
物 (もの) : a thing, something (noun)
食べ物 (たべもの) : food, something to eat (noun)
飲み物 (のみもの) : something to drink (noun)
好き (すき) : You like it.
嫌い (きらい) : You hate it.
好き嫌い : your likes and dislikes (noun)
食べ物の好き嫌い : preferences for food, your likes and dislikes about food (noun)
好き嫌いがある : You have likes and dislikes about something.
好き嫌いがない : You don't have any likes and dislikes about something.
ないんで、.... : .......... because you don't have it, You don't have it and/then/so .......
何処? (どこ?) : Where?
何処でもいい : Wherever is fine, You don't care where the place is.
何処でもいいよ。: I don't care where you choose. Wherever you choose is fine with me.

所 (ところ) : a place
とこ : a place (casual expression)
好きなとこ : a place where you like (noun clause)
選ぶ (えらぶ) : to choose (verb)
選んで!(えらんで!) : Please choose one! (casual expression)
選んでよ! : Please choose one! (casual expression often used by women)

ため息 (ためいき) : a sigh (noun)
混じる (まじる) : to be mixed, to join a group, to take part in something (verb)
ため息混じりに : with a sigh (adverb)
ため息混じりに言う : to say something with a sigh (verb)
つまんない人ね!: You are boring man, aren't you?

After five o'clock, Mr. B.M. went home. His wife asked, "What's new today?" Mr. B.M. answered, "Nothing much."

アフターファイブ : after five o'clock (adverb, loan word)
B.M.氏 (びーえむし) : Mr. B.M.
帰宅 (きたく) : going home (noun)
帰宅する : to go home (verb)
妻 (つま) : someone's wife
尋ねる (たずねる) : to ask a question (verb)
何か : something
変わった事 (かわったこと) : something unusual, something interesting, something new, something strange (depends on the context)
有る (ある) : There is a thing, You have it.
有りました。: There was a thing, You had it.
有りましたか?: Was it there?, Did you have it?
何か有りましたか?: Was there something? Did you have something? Did something happen? Was there any problem?
答える (こたえる) : to answer someone's question (verb)
とくに。: Nothing much, Nothing special.


His wife continued, "By the way, I heard that a new iPhone will be released tomorrow. Shall we buy new ones?" However, Mr. B. M. said, "Our current phones are not broken. We don't need smartphones."

妻 (つま) : someone's wife
続ける (つづける) : to continue, to keep doing something (verb)
ところで : by the way
ところでさ : by the way (casual and spoken expression)
明日 (あす / あした) : tomorrow
新しい (あたらしい) : new
アイフォーン : an iPhone
新しいアイフォーン : a new iPhone
出る (でる) : to go out, to be released, to appear (verb)
明日、出る : Something will be released tomorrow. (in this context)
新しいアイフォーンが出る : A new iPhone will be released.
だって : I heard it, People are saying it. (casual and spoken expression)
出るんだって : I heard it will be released. (in this context)
私達 (わたしたち) : we / our / us
私達も : we also, us too
買う (かう) : to buy something (verb)
買わない : You will not buy.
買わない?: Don't you buy it?, Shall we buy it?, Let's buy it!
私達も買わない?: People are buying it, so should we also buy it?
ところが : however
B.M.氏 (びーえむし) : Mr. B.M.
言った (いった) : You said.
こう言った : You said like this.
今 (いま) : now
携帯 (けいたい) : carrying something, bringing something, a cellular phone (noun)
電話 (でんわ) : a telephone machine, a telephone call (noun)
携帯電話 / 携帯 : a cellular phone (noun)
今の携帯 : your current phone
まだ : yet, still (depends on the context)
壊れる (こわれる) : to be broken, to become defective, to stop functioning (verb)
壊れている : It is out of order. It's broken. It doesn't function.
壊れていない : It's not broken.
壊れてない : It's not broken. (casual and spoken expression)
壊れてないし、..... : It's not broken, and/then/so .........
スマートフォン / スマホ : a smartphone ("スマホ" is casual expression.)
スマホなんか : something such as smartphones (With the expression "なんか", you probably have a negative feeling about smartphones.)
要る : You need it.
要らない : You don't need it.
要らないよ。: I don't need such a thing. (casual and spoken expression)

His wife said, "I am interested in using Instagram and Facebook." Mr. B. M. answered, "Use my PC. That's enough for SNS services." She sighed and said, "What a boring man you are!"
妻が言った。「インスタとか、フェイスブックにも興味あるのよ。」B.M.氏は答えた。「私のPC使ったら? SNSならそれで十分。」彼女がため息をついて言った。「つまらないひとね!」

妻 (つま) : someone's wife
言った (いった) : You said.
インスタグラム / インスタ : Instagram
インスタとか、: Instagram, etc.
フェイスブック : Facebook
インスタとか、フェイスブック : Instagram and/or Facebook
フェイスブックにも : also Facebook
興味 (きょうみ) : an interest (noun)
興味がある / 興味ある : You are interested in something. ("興味ある" is casual expression)
インスタに興味がある : You are interested in Instagram.
フェイスブックに興味がある : You are interested in Facebook.
興味あるのよ。: I'm interested in it. (casual and spoken expression)
B.M.氏 (びーえむし) : Mr. B.M.
答えた (こたえた) : You answered.
私 (わたし) : I / my / me
PC (ぴーしー) : a PC
私のPC : my PC
使う (つかう) : to use (verb)
使ったら? (つかったら?) : Why don't use it?, Use it!, You can use it.
SNS (えすえぬえす) : SNS
SNSなら : if SNS, if you are talking about SNS, for SNS
十分 (じゅうぶん) : enough (adjective)
それで十分 : That's enough
彼女 (かのじょ) : she / her
ため息 (ためいき) ] a sigh (noun)
ため息をつく : to sigh (verb)
言う (いう) : to say (verb)
ため息をついて言う : to sigh and say something (verb)
言った (いった) : You said.
ため息をついて言った : You sighed and said something.
つまらない : boring (adjective)
ひと : a person, a man
つまらないひとね!: You are boring person! You are boring man!

After supper, their daughter said to Mr. B. M., "Why have we never gone to Disneyland?" He answered, "We went to the city aquarium last year. Also, we are going to the city zoo next year." The daughter sighed, "What a boring man you are!"

夕食 (ゆうしゅく) : supper
夕食前 (ゆうしょくまえ) : before supper
夕食後 (ゆうしょくご) : after supper
彼等 (かれら) : they/their/them
娘 (むすめ) : a daughter
彼等の娘 : their daughter
B.M.氏 (びーえむし) : Mr. B.M.
言った (いった) : You said.
B.M.氏に言った : You said to Mr. B.M.
何故?(なぜ?) : Why?
なんで? : Why? (casual and spoken expression)
うち : I/my/me, we/our/us (casual and spoken expression)
ディズニーランド : Disneyland
一度 (いちど) : once
一度も : even one time (used in a negative phrase)
行く (いく) : to go a certain place (verb)
ディズニーランドに行く: to go to Desneyland (verb)
行かない (いかない) : You will not go to a certain place.
ディズニーランドに行かない : You don't go to Desneyland.
一度も行かない : You never go there.
行かないの?: Don't you go there?
ディズニーランドに行かないの?: Don't you go to Desneyland?
なんで行かないの?: Why don't you go there?
うちは行かないの?: Don't we go there?
なんで、うちは、行かないの?: Why don't we go there?
彼 (かれ) : he / his / him
答える : to answer someone's question (verb)
答えた。: You answered.
去年 (きょねん) : the last year
市立 (しりつ) : It's run by the City. Municipal
水族館 (すいぞくかん) : an aquarium
市立水族館 : a city aquarium
行く (いく) : to go to a certain place (verb)
水族館に行く : to go to an aquarium (verb)
行った (いった) : You went there. You have gone there.
市立水族館に行った : You went the city aquarium.
去年、水族館に行った : You went the aquarium last year.
水族館に行ったし、..... : You went the aquarium. Also ......
来年 (らいねん) : the next year
来年も : also the next year
動物園 (どうぶつえん) : a zoo
動物園に行く : to go to a zoo (verb)
つもり : You have an intention. You are willing to do it. It is already your plan. You are going to do it.
行くつもり : You are going to a certain place. (intention)
行くつもりだよ。: I am/ We are going there. (intention, casual and spoken expression)
去年、....来年も..... : not only the last year but also the next year
ため息 (ためいき) ] a sigh (noun)
ため息をつく : to sigh (verb)
お父さん (おとうさん) : dad (casual expression)
つまんない!: Boring! (casual and spoken expression)
お父さんは、つまんない!: Dad! You are so boring!

Before going to bed, Mr. B. M. offered a short prayer to God, "Thanks, God! Nothing special happened to us today. We are safe and secure." Then he heard a voice from heaven. It was the voice of God, "What a boring man you are!"

就寝 (しゅうしん) : sleeping, going to bed (noun)
時間 (じかん) : a time, the time, a period of time
就寝時間 : your bed time
なる : to become something, to get a certain condition (verb)
就寝時間になる : to become your bed time
就寝時間になり、: as it became the bed time, before going to bed
B.M.氏 (びーえむし) : Mr. B.M.
神 (かみ) : God
短い (みじかい) : short
祈り (いのり) : a prayer
神への祈り : a prayer to God
短い祈り : a short prayer
捧げる (ささげる) : to offer, to present, to devote, to sacrifice (verb)
祈りを捧げる : to offer a prayer (verb)
神様! (かみさま!) : Dear my God!
ありがとうございます!: Thank you very much!
今日 (きょう) : today
今日も : also today (as usual)
私達 (わたしたち) : we / our / us
私達に : to us (in this context)
特に (とくに) : especially (adverb)
変わる (かわる) : to change itself, to be changed by someone or something
事 (こと) : an event, an issue, the fact, the matter, something which you have just mentioned
変わった事 : something unusual, something strange, something special
特に変わった事 : something special
無い (ない) : There is not a thing, There are not things, You don't have it, Something is not here/there.
特に変わった事は無い : Nothing special happens.
特に変わった事は無く、.... : Nothing special happened and/so/then ......
私達に、特に変わった事は無く、.... :  Nothing special happened to us and/so/then ....
安心 (あんしん) : peace of mind, relief
安全 (あんぜん) : safe, secure
安心、安全 : a situation that you don't have to worry about something because you are safe and secure
安心、安全でした。: We were/ I was safe and secure. We/I have been safe and secure.
天国 (てんごく) : heaven
神 (かみ) : God
声 (こえ) : a voice
神の声 : the voice of God
聞く (きく) : to listen (verb, an action)
聞こえる (きこえる) : You hear a voice or sound. (a situation)
聞こえた。: You heard a voice or sound.
天国から聞こえた。: You heard a voice or sound from heaven.
声が聞こえた。: You heard a voice.
つまらない : boring (adjective)
つまらん! : Boring! (casual and spoken expression)
人間 (にんげん) : a human, humans
つまらん人間 : a boring man (casual and spoken expression)
......だなぁ : It is .... You are ...... He/She is ...... (casual and spoken expression, often used with a sigh)
つまらん人間だなぁ。: You are a boring man, aren't you?, What a boring man you are! (casual and spoken expression, often used with a sigh)


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