
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Best Friend

The Best Friend Once upon a time, there was a young woman who was a musician. Her name was Lisa. She played her guitar at a jazz cafe twice a week in her local town.  Her dream was to open her own jazz cafe in which she could play her original music every day. Unfortunately, she didn't have enough funds to pursue her dream.  One day, another customer at the cafe was quietly listening to her play her guitar. The name of this lady was Beth. Beth lived near the cafe and loved drinking espresso at the cafe every weekend. Beth said to Lisa, “I love your music. I like the sound of the guitar you play.” Lisa said, “Thanks! I have a dream…..”  Three years later, Lisa had spent most of her savings. She had no funds at all to pursue her dream.  One weekend, she cried on her guitar while her closest friend Beth stood with her with no words to offer.  The following month, Beth drew a portrait and exhibited it at her private gallery. In the portrait, a woman was crying on a g