

知恵の言葉 ある時、耳で英語を学習する少年がいた。彼は英語の歌が好きで、しょっちゅうアイチューンズで音楽を聴いていた。 ある日、少年はビートルズの歌を何曲か選んだ。最初の曲を聴いていくつかの言葉をノートに書き留めた。ノートにはこのように書かれていた。「スピーキング・ワーズ・オヴ・ウィズダム、 アリルビッ、 アリルビッ、 アリルビッ、 アリルビッ!ウィスパー・ワーズ・オヴ・ウィズダム、アリルビッ、、、イェー!」 Words of Wisdom 知恵の言葉 知恵 (ちえ) : wisdom 言葉 (ことば) : a word, a language 知恵の言葉 : a word of wisdom Once upon a time, there was a boy who learned English with his ears.  ある時、耳で英語を学習する少年がいた。 時 (とき) : a time ある時 : a certain time, once upon a time 耳 (みみ) : an ear, ears 英語 (えいご) : English (language) 学習 (がくしゅう) : learning (noun) する : to do something (verb) 学習する : to learn something (verb), You learn it. 耳で学習する : You learn it with your ears. 英語を学習する : to learn English (verb), You learn English. 耳で英語を学習する : to learn English with your ears (verb), You learn English with your ears. 少年 (しょうねん) : a boy 英語を学習する少年 : a boy who learns English いる : Such a person is here/there. 少年がいる : There is a boy. 英語を学習する少年がいる : There is a boy who learns English. いた。: Such a person was here/there. 少年がいた。: There was a

A Lodge On The Mountain

A Lodge On The Mountain Menu Once upon a time, there was a family of three in a deep mountain in where only few people lived. Father and mother ran a lodge, and their daughter who had just become a senior in the high school helped them only in the mornings. The daughter was interested in English. However, the nearest English conversation class was too far from her home, as far as 20 kilometers. It took longer than forty minutes at the fastest speed on the bicycle. Also, the busses were not convenient because they came to the mountain just few times a day. Another problem was that the monthly fee for the class was expensive, and the textbooks were an additional cost above that. So, she attended the class only for two months, then quit it. One day, one of her girl friends showed her screen of her smartphone and said, “Look! Do you know about Hello Talk?” One year later, her parent’s lodge had some guests from foreign countries. There were a variety of informational booklets wri